Hyderabad: Vicky Kaushal recently opened up about his early interactions with his now-wife, actor Katrina Kaif, and how he approached her for their first date. The couple, who kept their romance under wraps, is adored by fans and often shares insights into their relationship during interviews and promotional events of their films.
During a recent interview, Vicky Kaushal was asked to recount the story of how he asked Katrina Kaif out on their first date. Narrating the story, a blushing Vicky revealed that it eventually boiled down to a simple text message that read, "Can I take you out for dinner?" While this message may sound straightforward, he acknowledged that there was a journey leading up to this moment, one that wasn't meant for public scrutiny.
Reflecting on the initial stages of their relationship, Vicky shared that he used to feel somewhat odd when he started receiving attention from Katrina. He admitted to occasionally wondering if she was okay with his advances. It was a mutual exchange of attention, but for Vicky, who initially saw Katrina as a phenomenon from the outside, it was a unique experience. However, he also noted that as they got to know each other better, the human side of their connection became increasingly significant.