Hyderabad: In a heart-warming display of affection, actor Vicky Kaushal gave a shoutout to his wife and fellow actor Katrina Kaif in an Instagram story. Kaif had made a congratulatory story for Kaushal's upcoming movie, 'Zara Hatke Zara Bachke', to which he had dedicated a sweet song lyric from the film to her.
Kaif took to Instagram in congratulating the team, sharing the film's poster with the caption "In cinemas now". Kaushal reshared the story and replied with a lyric from the song "Phir Aur Kya Chahiye" from the film. "Tu hai to mujhe aur kya chahiye" (If you are there then what else do I want) he captioned his reply. His heartfelt gesture made netizens' hearts melt.
Kaushal is the leading man in the film, a family comedy-drama, alongside Sara Ali Khan. The two stars have been jet setting around the country with the movie's promotions to greet their eager fans. The lead-duo were seen attending the promos in Lucknow, Delhi, and Indore. The most recent one was at Hyderabad.