Hyderabad: Bollywood actors Sara Ali Khan and Vicky Kaushal recently promoted their movie 'Zara Hatke Zara Bachke' on The Kapil Sharma Show. On the show, comedian Kapil drew attention to the fact that the two actors, who portray a married couple in Laxman Utekar's film, were seen making romance in the kitchen. Kapil then turned to Vicky and asked him where he and Katrina Kaif met 'chupke chupke' before marriage.
Kapil asked Vicky, "In real life when you and Katrina started dating and nobody knew about it, where did you and Katrina meet chupke-chupke, didn't you ever get caught?" Vicky chuckles at his question and said, "Paaji, it's a very big secret."
Vicky and Katrina dated each other for a few years before getting married. The couple tied the knot in a close-knit yet posh ceremony on December 9, 2021, in Rajasthan. Kapil then turned to Sara and asked her if she believes that love should be kept a secret or declared to the world. To this, Sara answered by saying, "It depends on whom you have fallen in love with."