Hyderabad:They caught the attention of shutterbugs at fashion designer Manish Malhotra's store in Hyderabad. Varun Tej and Lavanya Tripathi got engaged in June. However, they were tight-lipped till the engagement, though their dating rumours hogged the limelight. Varun Tej recently revealed that they have been dating for six years and finally took the plunge to tie the nuptial knot.
Varun Teja and Lavanya Tripathi have been in love for quite some time, but their hush-hush love story hogged the limelight, but they never either confirmed or denied it. Only after their engagement, it was officially confirmed.
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The lovely couple clicked by the paparazzi while they were entering the store of renowned fashion designer Manish Malhotra's store. Varun and Lavanya can be seen in the video shaking hands with Manish Malhotra as he accorded them a warm welcome upon their arrival at his store. It seems they will be wearing Manish Malhotra ensembles for their nuptials.
Varun Tej looked dapper in an all-black look while Lavanya attired in a lavender co-ord set for their wedding shopping. It may be recalled that Varun Tej and Lavanya Tripathi are entering into wedlock in November.
According to sources, the marriage will be an intimate affair in which kith and kin of Varun and Lavanya will be attending. The wedding date is set and the preparations are in full swing to make it a memorable event for Chiranjeevi and Allu families. It is learnt that after the wedding, the couple will host a reception for friends, politicians and renowned people from Hyderabad.