Hyderabad: Filmmaker Nitesh Tiwari's Bawaal starring Janhvi Kapoor and Varun Dhawan will make its premiere on Prime Video this week. Lately, the actors have been busy promoting their upcoming romantic drama. On Tuesday, they were joined by several Bollywood celebrities for Bawaal screening. Now, photos of Varun biting Janhvi's ear from a recent promotional photoshoot for their film have surfaced online. However, the duo's photoshoot has not gone down well with a section of social media users.
In one of the pictures, Varun was seen holding Janhvi around waits while biting her ear. Kapoor donned a black dress, while Varun sported a matching jacket. They could be seen laughing in another picture as Janhvi held her ear. As soon as the pictures did the rounds on Reddit, users started criticizing Varun as they were not impressed by Varun's antics.
Reacting to the pictures, a user wrote, "This is creepy for a married man to do when he's not acting in a movie." Another wrote, "I don't know why people are saying he shouldn't do all this because he is married. He just shouldn't do all this even if he were single."