Mumbai (Maharashtra): It's a working birthday for actor Vaani Kapoor. On the occasion of her 34th birthday, Vaani started shooting for her new film. As she commenced work on her upcoming film, Vaani said that she couldn't have asked for a better gift on her birthday. The actor also revealed that every role that she will pick up from now onwards will be diverse from what she has done so far.
"It feels amazing to be starting a new film on my birthday! I couldn't have asked for a better gift for myself. I can't reveal any further but I can say that every project of mine post Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui will be diverse and will constantly put myself under the pump to pick challenging roles that give me the scope to shine as an actor. I'm looking to do more tricky roles which satiate my artistic appetite and this new project fits right into the scheme of things for me now," said Vaani Kapoor on her upcoming films.