Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Urvashi Rautela is again in the headlines for a picture that she shared on social media. The actor on Monday broke the internet with her supposed picture with Hollywood star Ryan Gosling. Fans are in no mood to hold their horses and are speculating a Urvashi and Ryan coming together for a project. Meanwhile, a section of social media users is suspicious that the image is photoshopped while few are wondering if she has moved on from cricketer Rishabh Pant.
Urvashi, who made headlines for her online war of words with cricketer Rishabh Pant, is back in the news, and how!. The actor on Monday took to her Instagram handle to share a picture of herself sitting in an auto and looking at Ryan whose gaze is fixed somewhere else.
Sharing the picture, Urvashi wrote. "#RyanGosling @netflix Don’t need a third umpire to tell you who stole my 🧡 Stay tuned. It’s going to be Great, Man! #NetflixPlayback2022⏪." Going by the caption, it seems that it could be related to the announcement of Netflix's 2023 slate.