Hyderabad: On Sunday, Urvashi Rautela took to social media to seek help as she lost her phone at Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad. The actor had gone to witness the epic showdown between India vs Pakistan on Saturday during which she seemingly lost her phone.
In a social media post, the actor notified her followers about losing her phone during India vs Pakistan match and also sent out a request to return it if found. In her post, Urvashi wrote, "Lost my 24-carat real gold iPhone at Narendra Modi Stadium, Ahmedabad! If anyone comes across it, please help. Contact me ASAP! 🙏 #LostPhone #AhmedabadStadium #HelpNeeded #indvspak." She also tagged the social media handles of Narendra Modi Statidum and Ahmedabad Police on her post and requested her followers to tag those who could be of any help.