Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Urvashi Rautela on Saturday shared a picture with Kantara actor-director Rishab Shetty. The actor is known for sharing cryptic posts and half-concealed captions. While sharing the picture with Rishab, Urvashi hinted at her supposed casting in Kantara 2. But the post, however, brought her back to the square as it became fodder for netizens to have a good laugh and create new memes about her and cricketer Roshabh Pant.
Taking to Instagram, Urvashi shared a picture wherein she is seen donning a mustard yellow sharara. The actor looks gorgeous as she poses alongside Rishab who is seen donning a pair of denim and a t-shirt. Sharing the picture, Urvashi wrote, "#KANTARA 2 @rishabshettyofficial @hombalefilms loading 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 #RS."
Urvashi's post has left many wondering if she has indeed landed a role in the highly anticipated Kantara 2. A section of social media users is also amused by the fact that the actor has some sort of connection with the name Rishabh. Several Instagram users took to the comment section to troll the actor.