Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Urvashi Rautela lost her iPhone during the India-Pakistan World Cup match held in Ahmedabad's Narendra Modi Stadium on October 14. She immediately reached out to her social media followers for assistance and also attached a picture of the police complaint lodged on October 15, 2023. Recently, the 29-year-old actor shared a screenshot of an email from the person who claims to have stolen her phone.
In the email dated October 16, it was stated that the person had her phone, and in order to retrieve it, the actor must aid him in saving his brother from cancer. The email read, "I have your phone. If you want it, you will have to help me save my brother from cancer." Urvashi responded positively to the email by giving a thumbs-up. The actor shared a screenshot of the email on her Instagram Story, but unfortunately, it has now disappeared.