Hyderabad: Multi-hyphenate R Madhavan heaped praise on director Vivek Agnihotri after watching the latter's upcoming directorial venture The Vaccine War. Madhavan, whose directorial debut Rocketry: The Nambi Effect won the Best Feature Film at the 69th National Film Awards, took to social media to applaud Agnihotri's The Vaccine War. Madhavan's flattering post for The Vaccine War seemingly did not go down well with a section of social media users who alleged that the actor is 'taking it too far.'
On Monday, Madhavan took to Instagram to pen a lengthy note dedicated to The Vaccine War. The actor-director said Vivek's film evoked varied emotions while it celebrated the significant achievement by the Indian scientific fraternity during the unprecedented challenge that COVID threw at the world.
Sharing his thoughts on The Vaccine War, Madhavan wrote, "Just saw “THE VACCINE WAR” and totally blown out of my mind by the spectacular sacrifices and achievements of the Indian scientific community, which made India’s very first vaccine and kept the nation safe during the most challenging period, told by a Master Storyteller @vivekagnihotri who makes you cheer, applaud, weep, and euphoric, all at the same time."
He also underlined how the cast of The Vaccine War elevated the film. "Stellar performances by the entire cast, @pallavijoshiofficial @anupampkher #Nanapathekar @raimasen (and every single one of them )so beautifully depict the sacrifices and the sheer grit of our Indian scientists ( ladies) aptly and impact-fully."