Mumbai: Superstars Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan are all set to begin the shoot of their special action sequence for the upcoming film Tiger 3 soon. Preparations for the shoot are currently going on in full swing and as per an industry source, not one but three action directors are planning this blockbuster action sequence. Three top action directors from across the world Franz Spilhaus, Parvez Shaikh, and Se-yeong Oh are conceptualizing the mega action sequence featuring Salman and SRK in Tiger 3.
"We know that Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan are going to come together again in Tiger 3 and Aditya Chopra & director Maneesh Sharma are clear that the impact of this epic action sequence on the minds of audiences should be a few notches higher than what they saw in Pathaan! That is why we are hearing that in Tiger 3, we have not one but three action directors from across the world planning this blockbuster action sequence! Let's see what they have in store for us," the source said.