Hyderabad: Actor Esha Deol, who made her acting debut in 2002, managed to carve a niche for herself and went on to establish her own identity in the Bollywood industry. The actor, in a recent interview, was asked about comparisons to her parents - seasoned actors Hema Malini and Dharmendra. Esha just so occurred to state that she was often compared to her mother when she first began acting in movies.
Recently, Esha Deol expressed her pride at being the daughter of Hema Malini and Dharmendra. While speaking with a webloid, she said that she's incredibly proud to have been born to such amazing parents. "And then they are legends and actors who are admired by millions," she stated. She noted that she first didn't believe the comparisons would occur. Esha was just 18 when she started her career as an actor, and she didn't realize the comparisons with her mother would persist until she read the reviews of her first few films.