Hyderabad: Bollywood couple Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani, who tied the knot last month, are going viral on social media after a video of the Mission Majnu star from an award gala surfaced online. In the viral video, Sidharth is seen giving an acceptance speech for winning an award which is his second after tying the knot with Kiara in February. Sidharth seemingly floored Kiara with his kind words at the award show as he dedicated the award to his wife.
On Friday night, Sidharth bagged an award for his style game. The actor is all over the internet for all the right reasons. His dapper red carpet look aside, Sidharth's love for Kiara was another reason for fans to drool over the adorable couple. In the viral video, Sidharth is seen dedicating his award to Kiara who is seemingly touched by the gesture.