Hyderabad:Actor Ileana Ileana D'Cruz is all set to embrace motherhood is known. The expecting mommy has been documenting her motherhood journey on social media ever since she announced the pregnancy last April. The actor has been tight-lipped about the identity of the father of her baby. But in the latest post, Ileana almost revealed her partner and heaped praise on him for being a 'lovely mand' and her 'rock.'
Taking to Instagram, Ileana shared an endearing note on motherhood and how overwhelming it is to feel a life growing inside her. The actor said that she is fortunate to experience the joy that motherhood brings and also spoke about the "days that are so inexplicably hard." With her latest post, Ileana almost introduced the 'lovely man' whose presence help her survive tough days.
She talked about tears, guilt, hopelessness, self-doubts, and 'crying over something so trivial.' Ileana further said that the love for her unborn child helps her get back her composure while her alleged partner knows exactly when and how to make her feel loved. Ileana concluded her post with a mention of her partner, however, she did not reveal his name neither the photograph clearly feature his face. But, her words suggest that "everything doesn’t seem so hard anymore" when she is with this 'lovely man.'