Hyderabad:The first glimpse of the highly awaited Tamil epic historical drama film Kanguva featuring superstar Suriya was unveiled on Sunday, and fans have already declared it a smashing hit. In a treat to fans on the actor's birthday, the glimpse showcases the actor's first look from the flick. The two-minute preview of Kanguva received a tremendous response on social media, videos of which are all over the internet.
As the lead actor Suriya celebrates his 48th birthday on July 23, his fans called the film's glimpse the best possible gift they could have asked for. They turned to Twitter to express their joy, calling it a 'bonafide blockbuster' that will shatter multiple records. Many posted videos from theatres where the first look was released.
The theatres erupted as scores of fans whistled and danced to the film's background score and cinematic brilliance. One such fan sharing a video wrote: "#GlimpseOfKanguva screened in one of the theatres in Telugu states and the response was 🤫⚡ Always @Suriya_offl is the King there." Another ecstatic admirer wrote: "Particularlyyyyyy...... 🔥🔥🔥💥💥💥 Realllyyy addicted to this frammeee.... lyrics........music......voice.......the way suriya did......🔥🔥🔥Goosebumps......🥵🥵💥💥🔥🔥🔥 #HappyBirthdaySuriya #Kanguva #Kanguvaglimpse #Suriya."