Hyderabad: On the joyful occasion of Pongal and Sankranti, actor Prabhas announced his next film The Raja Saab. According to the producers, the upcoming film is a "spellbinding romantic horror entertainer" directed by Maruthi. It is bankrolled by TG Vishwa Prasad via the People Media Factory umbrella, a pan-India production.
He took to Instagram on Monday to unveil the first look poster, which features himself. Sharing the poster, Prabhas wrote: "Presenting #TheRajaSaab's First Look in this festive season. Wishing you all joy and happiness!" Prabhas appeared in the Raja Saab poster donning a black shirt and a dhoti. He could be seen smiling walking down an empty street, with firecrackers exploding in the background.
The film will feature Prabhas as The Raja Saab. It is being produced under the People Media Factory label, with TG Vishwa Prasad as producer and Vivek Kuchibotla as co-producer. The Raja Saab will be released in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, and Hindi languages with music by Thaman S.