Hyderabad: In the wake of the release of The Railway Men trailer, memories of India's most significant industrial disaster, the Bhopal Gas tragedy, resurfaced among Bhopalis. With an intriguing teaser, the makers of the Netflix series, starring R Madhavan, Kay Kay Menon, and Babil Khan, have unveiled a gripping trailer that delves deeper into the retelling of this tragic event under the direction of debutant filmmaker Shiv Rawail.
- The Railway Men trailer:
The 2-minute 53-second trailer opens with Kay Kay Menon's portrayal of a railway employee, setting the stage for the story. Babil is introduced as another railway worker stationed at Bhopal Junction, while Divyenndu takes on the role of an RPF personnel. The trailer paints a picture of the happy moments in Bhopal before the devastating gas leak from the Union Carbide factory and the ensuing chaos in the city.
The Railway Men trailer serves as a tribute to the unwavering bravery of Indian Railways employees who, during the city's darkest hours, made heroic efforts to save countless lives. R Madhavan, Kay Kay Menon, Divyenndu, and Babil Khan take center stage as the unsung heroes of the Bhopal gas tragedy.
- The Railway Men trailer reactions:
Following the trailer's release on YouTube, numerous netizens poured into the comments section, sharing heart-wrenching stories of lost family members and the ongoing struggles of those who survived the disaster, grappling with chronic health issues.
One user, deeply affected by the tragedy, expressed, "Being a Bhopali, whenever I cross the Bhanpur bridge, I can see Union Carbide, and one can still sense the pain in the air, feeling the tragedy that unfolded in 1984. Every family in old Bhopal has a tragic story and a member who was lost in '84."
Another user shared their personal connection, stating, "I live in Bhopal. My grandfather perished during the leak. Perhaps the largest man-made disaster in India, which shattered countless families. This trailer moved me profoundly. The survival of the people here is a monumental testament."