Mumbai: Streamer Disney+ Hotstar on Monday launched the official poster of Aditya Roy Kapur and Anil Kapoor's OTT debut series The Night Manager. Dubbed as a high-octane thriller wrapped in lavish drama and picturesque sights, the series is the Hindi-language adaptation of John le Carre's novel of the same title.
The show is created and directed by Sandeep Modi and produced by The Ink Factory and Banijay Asia. Priyanka Ghosh is co-director of the project, which will premiere on Disney+ Hotstar this year.
Roy Kapur said he has been looking for a multi-layered character in a series with a complex narrative arc. "When the platform approached me to play the title role in The Night Manager, I knew this was just the one I'd been looking for. My character Shaan is the kind of person who can effortlessly make people believe whatever he wants them to, and that perfectly mirrors what we as actors strive to achieve with our craft,"said Aditya.
"I'm glad that the Disney+ Hotstar team and Sandeep Modi gave me this opportunity to play such an exciting character and I can't wait to bring him to audiences in India and around the world," the 37-year-old actor said in a statement.