Hyderabad: The Kerala Story, directed by Sudipto Sen, has passed the Rs 200 crore mark at the box office on its third Monday. The Kerala Story set cash registers on fire and is reported to have earned Rs 204.47 crore so far. According to industry tracker Sacnilk, the Adah Sharma picture earned Rs 81.14 crore in its first week and Rs 90.58 crore in its second.
The film earned Rs 6.6 crore on its third Friday, Rs 9.15 crore on its third Saturday, Rs 11.50 crore on its third Sunday, and Rs 5.50 crore on its third Monday. On Monday, the film scored a 15.58 percent overall occupancy in Hindi and a 17.42 percent overall occupancy in Telugu. The contentious film tells the story of three Kerala women who were allegedly compelled to convert to Islam and join the terrorist organisation ISIS.
Adah Sharma, Yogita Bihani, Sonia Balani, and Siddhi Idnani star in the key parts. The West Bengal administration banned the film on May 8, fearing community strife. Tamil Nadu theatres chose to halt screenings on May 7, citing the law-and-order situation and a low crowd turnout. Despite this, the film was able to achieve the 200 cr milestone.