Hyderabad: The trailer of the eagerly awaited movie The Great Indian Family, starring Vicky Kaushal and Manushi Chhillar, has finally been unveiled by the makers on Tuesday. The Vijay Krishna Acharya-helmed film is all set to hit the theatres on September 22 of this year. The romantic drama also stars Kumud Mishra, Manoj Pahwa, Sadiya Siddiqui, Alka Amin, Srishti Dixit, Bhuvan Arora, Ashutosh Ujjwal, and Bharti Perwani. Taking to social media, production house Yash Raj Films dropped the trailer of The Great Indian Family on Tuesday.
In the one-minute-fifty-five-second trailer, Vicky is depicted as Bhajan Kumar, also known as Ved Vyas Tripathi, who belongs to the Pandit family. Bhajan is a well-known devotional singer who has trouble finding love because of his profession. On day, the family gets a letter from an unidentified source claiming that Bhajan is from a Muslim family. The Tripathi family is plunged into chaos and lunacy, and the rest of the movie's narrative centres on how the family strives to adjust to their new reality.