Mumbai (Maharashtra): Hollywood director Joe Russo on Thursday said he and his brother Anthony Russo would like to collaborate with more Indian talent, including The Gray Man actor Dhanush, in a potential sequel to the Netflix film. Joe, who is in the city with Anthony for the India premiere of the upcoming movie, praised the "vibrant" film community of the country.
"We love India, we love the vibrant film community here. There's so much talent in India and the fan base is so passionate. We would love to find as many projects as possible with Indian talents - producers, actors, directors... It is exciting to us," Joe said during the press conference of The Gray Man here.
Based on Mark Greaney's 2009 novel of the same name, the spy action entertainer revolves around freelance assassin and former CIA operative Court Gentry aka Sierra Six (Ryan Gosling) who is hunted across the world by Lloyd Hansen (Chris Evans) and other international assassins.
Dhanush plays Avik San, the "lethal force" who can stop Six from revealing a dark agency secret. If The Gray Man universe expands, Joe promised fans will get to see more of Dhanush's character. "It (film) is based on a book series, so there's an opportunity to expand this into future movies. We love to keep going with the world because we love our characters. If we continue, we guarantee you that Dhanush's character will be part of the world," he said.