Mumbai: Popular television couple Karan Kundrra and Tejasswi Prakash's new romantic track sung 'Baarish Aayi Hai' by Shreya Ghoshal and Stebin Ben is finally out. Taking to Instagram, the Bigg Boss 15 runner-up shared a short teaser of the music video to which he captioned, "Aao, pyaar Barsaao! A very special track, hope you all enjoy it as much as we did Show some love! #BaarishAayiHai Out Now on @vyrloriginals YouTube channel."
The melodious track marks the second on-screen collaboration for the Bigg Boss lovebirds after their much popular sad-romantic track 'Rula Deti Hai'. Apart from that 'Baarish Aayi Hai' also marks the second collaboration of the singers Shreya Ghoshal and Stebin Ben after their super-hit track 'Pyar Karte Ho Na' which featured popular television artists Mohsin Khan and Jasmin Bhasin.
Soon after the 'Mubarkaan' actor shared the short teaser video of the song, fans flooded the comment section with heart and fire emojis. "Chemistry of tejran" a fan commented followed by fire emoticons. Another fan wrote, "Just loving all the vibe "followed by heart emoticons.
Also read:Tejasswi Prakash's princess Jasmine look goes viral, fans tag Karan Kundrra as Aladdin
Karan and Tejasswi fell in love with each other on 'Bigg 15'. Karan became the second runner-up, and actor Tejasswi Prakash won the season. Popularly called 'TejRan', Karan and Tejasswi make regular public appearances together, sending out couple goals. Meanwhile, Karan is can be currently seen hosting a dance reality show 'Dance Deewane Junior', whereas the 'Bigg Boss 15' winner is currently a part of Ekta Kapoor's famous daily soap 'Naagin 6'. (ANI)