Mumbai: Makers of Tejas, after unveiling the exhilarating trailer on Air Force Day, October 8, and the release of the first song Jaan Da, unveiled the Tejas Anthem song Dil Hai Ranjana, featuring Kangana Ranaut. The song is voiced by Rashmeet Kaur and Shashwat Sachdev, with music given by Shashwat Sachdev and lyrics by Kumaar.
The official page of the production house RSVP took to Instagram on Saturday and wrote, "Presenting Tejas' anthem, overflowing with unwavering love and determination to serve the nation! #DilHaiRanjhana song is out, tune in now. #BharatKoChhedogeTohChhodengeNahi. #Tejas in cinemas on 27th October." Dil Hai Ranjhana captures Tejas Gill's soul, diving into her aspirations, determination, and the challenges she endured while chasing her objectives.
Earlier, the makers of Tejas, starring Kangana Ranaut in the titular role, unveiled the much-awaited trailer of the movie on the occasion of Air Force Day. Taking to Instagram, the production house RSVP treated fans to the trailer video. The trailer showcases Kangana Ranaut as the intense, fierce, and powerful Air Force Pilot Tejas Gill. Opening with high-level action scenes and featuring the captivating dialogue #BharatKoChhedogeTohChhodengeNahi, the trailer instantly grabs attention.