Hyderabad: The release of Aashiqui 2 in 2013, featuring Aditya Roy Kapur and Shraddha Kapoor as the main characters, generated a huge sensation and became an iconic love story. Ever since then, fans have been eagerly awaiting the release of Aashiqui 3, the sequel to the film. Recently, rumours circulated that Tara Sutaria had been chosen to play the female lead opposite Kartik Aaryan in the upcoming film. However, Anurag Basu, the director of Aashiqui 3, has now clarified the matter and addressed these speculations.
In a statement to a newswire, Anurag Basu mentioned that the female lead for the film has not yet been finalized, and all the information out there is mere speculation. When specifically asked about Tara Sutaria being cast as the lead actor, the filmmaker revealed that no one has been confirmed yet. In the 2013 romantic film Aashiqui 2, Aditya Roy Kapur and Shraddha Kapoor portrayed a captivating on-screen couple, garnering immense popularity.