Hyderabad: Actor Tamannaah Bhatia's New Year holiday became the talk of the town courtesy of a viral video. The actor is back in Mumbai after ringing in 2023 In Goa. On Friday, Tamannaah treated her fans with a series of pictures and videos from her Goa trip. Her followers, however, were seemingly more interested in spotting Vijay Varma in her New Year photo dump.
Taking to Instagram, Tamannaah dropped a set of candid and goofy pictures and videos from her Goa vacation. From a stroll on the beach to pulling off Aamir Khan's eating raw fish trick from Dil Chahta Hai, Tamannaah apparently made memories to cherish during her short Goa trip.
Sharing glimpses of her Goa vacation, Tamannaah wrote, "Entering the new year as if it's twenty twenty free." Soon after she shared the post, fans swarmed her comment section with queries about rumoured boyfriend Vijay Varma. Seemingly disappointed with not finding Vijay in Tamannaah's post, a fan asked, "All is good but where is Vijay Varma? while another chimed in, "Share pics with Vijay Varma."