Mumbai: It's happening! Tabu, Kareena Kapoor Khan and Kriti Sanon are coming together for a film. What's better? The story. The film, titled The Crew and which promises to be a laugh riot, is set against the backdrop of the struggling airline industry. It tells the story of three women, who work and hustle to move on with life. For the film, Kareena will yet again collaborate with Rhea Kapoor and Ekta Kapoor after their last gig together - Veere Di Wedding.
Commenting on the occasion of the announcement, Kareena said: "'Veere Di Wedding' holds a special place in my heart. Working with Rhea and Ektaa was an incredible journey. So when Rhea came to me with her new project 'The Crew' I was quite intrigued. This also means I get to share screen space with two stellar actresses, Tabu and Kriti. I am looking forward to starting this project and can't wait to bring this trifecta to the fold."
As the three women in the film try to make their way forward, their destinies lead to some unwarranted situations leading them to get caught in a web of lies.
Kriti Sanon, who is now busy with promotions of her upcoming film Bhediya, said: "I always look forward to strong characters and unique stories and 'The Crew' is one of them. I am thrilled to work with two powerhouses of talent, Tabu ma'am and Kareena."