Hyderabad: Actor Darsheel Safary captivated everyone with his performance in Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan's directorial debut Taare Zameen Par. Recently, in an interview, Darsheel spoke about how many people would frequently ask him to approach Aamir Khan for work, but the 26-year-old actor revealed that it felt suffocating for him to deal with the pressures and even the ample affection from others.
In a recent interview with a newswire, Darsheel was asked if he feels Aamir Khan did not push his career after Taare Zameen Par, to which he responded, "Not at all! I'm very shy."
The young actor said he feels awkward around these situations. He stated that people have asked him many times if he keeps in touch with Aamir Khan. They even suggested he text, give Aamir a call, and do other things. "But I feel shy doing this. I don't know how to put it in words. It should always happen organically," said Darsheel.