Hyderabad: Bollywood actor and former Miss Universe Sushmita Sen was lately the subject of appreciation from her ex-boyfriend Rohman Shawl. The duo split in 2021, however, they have been spotted together multiple times on several occasions which sparked rumours of them getting back together. Rohman, who will soon make his acting debut in a feature film, emphasized that they are not obligated to answer to anyone's opinions.
Talking about Sushmita, the Kashmiri model shared in an interview that she is exceptional at whatever she does, and being around her is a tremendous learning experience. "You can't really fathom the amount of inspiration she just throws around, you just have to be around her. It's not like on Instagram, she has that around her, you are in her presence and you feel, so wow," said Rohman about Sushmita who is 15 years senior to him.
Speaking about their public outings, which fuelled rumours that they were dating again, Rohman continued, "We look good together. We don't live for people, so it doesn't matter. You do your things, what people want to say, it's up to them. You don't have to answer anybody. We can't keep on commenting on everything that people are saying. We live our lives, that's it."