Mumbai: Sushmita Sen, who was busy shooting for her action thriller web series 'Aarya 3', has finally completed it. On Sunday, the actor took to Instagram and dropped a video from the sets. Sharing the video, she wrote, "And it's a wrap!!!!! #Aarya3. Here's to @amitamadhvani @madhvaniram #kapilsharma #Shradha @disneyplushotstar @officialrmfilms @endemolshineind & the MOST AMAZING CAST & CREW EVER!!! Thank you #aaryafamily. Warmest hug ever Daulat @sikandarkher. I love you guys!!!"
In the video, she can be seen doing a dance with director Ram Madhvani and also giving a warm hug to her co-star Sikandar Kher. As soon as the video was uploaded, the actor's fans and industry friends chimed in the comment section. Sikandar wrote, "As they say .. Congo to all of us!" One of the users wrote, "Can't wait to watch season 3." Another commented, "Eagerly waiting."