Mumbai: Late actor Sushant Singh Rajput's beloved pet dog, Fudge, died early Tuesday. Sushant's sister, Priyanka Singh took to Twitter and shared a couple of pictures of Fudge, with the Kai Po Che actor and announced the heartbreaking news.
"So long Fudge! You joined your friend's Heavenly territory... will follow soon! Till then... so heartbroken," she tweeted. Soon after she shared the news, Sushant's fans took to the thread and offered heartfelt condolences to the family. "R.I.P. FUDGE Nothing to say ..this is very heart breaking news to us all...but he is a true friend of Sushant and went to his friend to live happily with him forever and ever... Sushant Lived In D Moment," a fan commented.
Another fan wrote, "This is so heartbreaking Hope you both are united forever together in heaven," a fan of late actor wrote, "I am saddened to come to know this. I can only imagine how heartbreaking it is for you all.. even for us. Fudge was a receiver and giver of SSRs pure love. Another part of his life leaves us," a fan wrote.
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The heartbreaking news came a few days before Sushant Singh Rajput's birth anniversary on January 21. The actor was found dead at the age of 34 at his Bandra residence on June 14, 2020, which created a lot of controversies. Soon after his demise, the Chhichhore actor's adorable photos and videos with Fudge had surfaced online.