Mumbai (Maharashtra):South star Suriya on Wednesday confirmed that he will be making a special appearance in the Hindi remake of his Tamil film Soorarai Pottru. The remake is being directed by Sudha Kongara, who also helmed the original, which premiered on Prime Video in November 2020.
Superstar Akshay Kumar is headlining the yet-untitled movie which will also feature actor Radhika Madan. In a post on Twitter, Suriya shared a photo with Kumar and said he had a great time shooting for his "brief cameo" in the movie. "@akshaykumar sir to see you as #VIR was nostalgic! @Sudha_Kongara can see our story beautifully coming alive again #Maara! Enjoyed every minute with team #SooraraiPottru Hindi in a brief cameo!" the 46-year-old actor wrote in the caption.