Hyderabad: Upcoming comedy film Hera Pheri 3 has generated a lot of attention since its announcement. The anticipation of fans reached the zenith after it was confirmed that Akshay Kumar joined Suniel Shetty and Paresh Rawal in the comedy franchise to recreate their memorable chemistry as they did in Priyadarshan's 2000 comedy classic Hera Pheri. In addition, the news that Sanjay Dutt would play a crucial part has increased the thrill.
Akshay, Suniel and Paresh, who have appeared in numerous films together, will reunite with the Hera Pheri after about 17 years. In the meantime, questions are being raised about whether the plot of Hera Pheri 3 would take a time leap or carry on from the end sequence of Phir Hera Pheri. However, as per certain reports, the story will continue from where it last ended, with Raju holding three guns wrapped in a cloth and a ringing mobile phone in his mouth.
Also read:Suniel Shetty reacts to Kartik Aaryan joining Hera Pheri franchise, feels 'makers, Akshay should sort out things'
In a recent interview where Suniel Shetty was asked whether the story of Hera Pheri 3 will take a leap, the actor replied with a "yes" and a "no". He said since the characters are the same, they do not need to take a leap from the standpoint of a story. According to Suniel, the script is excellent and it follows these three guys (Paresh as Baburao, Suniel as Shyam, and Akshay as Raju) through their struggles before Baba (Sanjay Dutt) enters the picture, which adds extra fun.
While Suniel is excited about Hera Pheri 3, he also talked openly about his concerns about the third installment of the franchise. He said his only fear is if they could even get close to the original. "So there I think if we do things honestly and maintain that honesty, people will latch onto the film, so I am looking forward to it," he said. When asked about the shooting plans, he said, it will be shot in the second half of 2023 after the dates are sorted out.