Hyderabad: The makers of Kartik Aaryan and Kiara Advani's upcoming romantic drama Satyaprem Ki Katha released Sun Sajni song from the film on Wednesday. The leading pair of Satyaprem Ki Katha attended the first grand promotional event for the film in Mumbai as song was unveiled in the presence of the media and later got dropped on social media. Sun Sajni song from Satyaprem Ki Katha evoked mixed responses on social media where netizens are busy debating how Bollywood has been churning out formula Garba songs while a section of social media is praising the same.
In the just-released song, Kartik and Kiara are seen twinning in beautiful red traditional outfits and playing Garba. A Meet Brothers' composition, Sun Sajni is penned by Rakesh Kumar Pal, popularly known as Kumaar. The song is crooned by Parampara Tandon, Piyush Mehroliyaa, and Meet Brothers.
Soon after the makers dropped Sun Sajni video song, it garnered varied reactions from netizens. Twitter is mercilessly trolling the "Cringey Bollywood Garba" produced in Bollywood. T-series' YouTube channel, on the other hand, is flooded with comments wherein users are all seemingly floored by Kartik and Kiara's chemistry. Commenting on the song, a user wrote, "Worst song of the year," while another chimed in, "Gujarati theme me dhol bajna jaroori nahi hota same pattern pe sare song banate he ye urduwood wale (sic)."