Hyderabad: Sukesh Chandrashekhar, who is behind bars in a Rs 200 crore money laundering case, has penned a note addressing Bollywood actor Jacqueline Fernandez on his birthday. The conman, who is the prime accused in the case, is currently detained in Delhi's Tihar Jail. He purported that he was dating Jacqueline although the actor denied claims made by Sukesh. The conman referred to Jacqueline as his "Botta Bomma" in the letter that was made public on Saturday and thanked her for all the love she has given him.
In his letter, Sukesh wrote, "My Bomma, I miss you a ton on this day of my birthday, I miss your energy around me, I have no words, but I know your love for me is never ending, is all over me. I know what is in your beautiful heart. I don't need proof and that's all matters to me, baby. But I must admit, I am missing you, you know how much I love you my botta bomma."