Hyderabad: Suhana Khan, the daughter of Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan, recently displayed a heartwarming act of compassion on the bustling streets of Mumbai on Friday night. A paparazzo captured the touching moment and shared it on Instagram, sparking admiration and praise from numerous quarters.
The incident took place after Suhana and her mother, Gauri were seen at a Mumbai restaurant. The paparazzi seized the opportunity to capture the stylish mother-daughter duo as they arrived at the eatery. Suhana exuded elegance in a charcoal sleeveless bodycon dress paired with sophisticated black heels, while Gauri sported a white top, a striking yellow blazer, classic denims, and pristine white heels.
The heartwarming scene unfolded as Suhana and Gauri were leaving the restaurant. Amidst the camera flashes and curious onlookers, a woman approached Suhana, making a heartfelt plea for assistance. Displaying empathy and kindness, Suhana promptly retrieved two Rs 500 notes from her wallet and handed them to the woman. The woman's face instantly lit up with gratitude and joy.