Hyderabad:The Kerala Story, directed by Sudipto Sen, created quite a stir upon its theatrical release and instantly became a box-office hit. However, the film's makers are yet to strike a deal with any major OTT platform. Sudipto Sen, the director of The Kerala Story, recently denied rumours that the film was ready for streaming, alleging that they have not received sufficient offers from any OTT platforms.
Kerala Story's producers have also claimed that the film industry has 'ganged up' on them to penalise them for their box office success. "But so far, we have not received any offer worth considering," Sudipto Sen told in a recent interaction. "It appears that the film business has banded together to harm us," he added.
When asked why he was being penalised, Sen stated, "Our box office success has irritated many sections of the film industry. We believe that a segment of the entertainment business has banded together to punish us for our success." The Kerala Story earned over Rs 230 crore at the box office and was seen by over 3.40 crore people.