Hyderabad: Oscar-winning music composer AR Rahman’s concert in Chennai seemingly turned out to be a nightmare for fans. The concert was earlier scheduled to take place on August 12 but due to bad weather, it got postponed to September 10. Fans of the music composer attended the concert in large numbers while many had to return without entering the venue despite having valid tickets.
From last night, X, formerly known as Twitter, has been abuzz with negative comments about the AR Rahman concert as revellers had to go through unpleasant experiences from stampedes, and molestation, to children missing duet to mismanagement by the organizers.
Disappointed fans took to social media and shared numerous pictures and videos screaming about the ill-managed concert. After the bitter experience, angry fans slammed AR Rahman and the organisers of the concert as they "felt a huge sense of betrayal." Many even claimed that they were not allowed entry despite paying Rs 2000 for tickets.