Hyderabad: Atlee Kumar's Jawan, the biggest pan-Indian movie of the year, will soon hit the theatres. The much-anticipated movie, starring Shah Rukh Khan - the King of Bollywood, and an incredible, star-studded cast, promises to keep viewers on the edge of their seats with its thrilling plot. The latest update is that the trailer of the eagerly anticipated movie was certified UA by CBFC on July 7, with a runtime of 2 minutes and 15 seconds. And now, the excited fans took over Twitter expressing their eagerness to catch a glimpse of the trailer.
One of the fans tweeted, "Now that #JawanTrailer has been certified U/A and will drop anytime soon, I am curious to find out what kind of tragedy could have turned him into this. One thing is for sure. A storm is coming and he wants justice. Are you hyped?" Another Tweeted, "This is the current situation of every #Jawan fans." One more tweeted, "2 Minutes 15 Second #JawanTrailer verified. Get ready to witness the biggest Storm ever."