Hyderabad (Telangana): Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan is busy shooting for Tamil filmmaker Atlee's next is known. Titled as Jawan, the film also stars Nayanthara in the lead role. SRK and team Jawan recently wrapped up the film's schedule in Chennai and sending them love during all these while were none other than the biggest stars, Rajinikanth, Vijay Sethupathi and Vijay, from the Tamil film industry.
As SRK and Atlee wrapped up the Jawan schedule, the superstar took to Twitter to share what his 30 days in Chennai were like. "Wot a 30 days blast RCE team! Thalaivar blessed our sets…saw movie with Nayanthara partied with @anirudhofficial deep discussions with @VijaySethuOffl & Thalapathy @actorvijay fed me delicious food."
The actor also thanked his Jawan director Atlee and his wife Krishna Priya for their hospitality. "Thx @Atlee_dir & Priya for ur hospitality now need to learn Chicken 65 recipe!" Going by his latest tweet, SRK seemingly had a great time shooting for Jawan in Tamil Nadu where he received a warm welcome by the crème de la crème of Tamil film industry.