Hyderabad: Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan is all set to return to the big screen with Atlee's Jawan following the huge success of Pathaan. Ever since the eagerly anticipated Jawan prevue was launched on July 10, the superstar has been trending on social media. The Jawan prevue has highly impressed netizens and superstar Salman Khan as well. Salman took to Twitter on Tuesday to share Jawan's prevue and praised Bollywood's King Khan. A while back, Shah Rukh reacts to Salman's post and revealed that he showed the Prevue to Salman first.
Earlier, Salman posted the video and expressed his delight at seeing King Khan as Jawan. Additionally, he stated that he will watch the movie on the opening day. He tweeted, "Pathan jawan ban gaya, outstanding trailer, absolutely loved it. Now this is the kind of a movie we should see in theatres only. I toh for sure seeing it 1st day ko hi. Mazaa ahh gaya wahhhhh.. @iamsrk."