Mumbai: Shah Rukh Khan ranks among the richest superstars in the country, but when he bought his landmark house, Mannat, he says he was practically broke and didn't have any money to get it refurbished and furnished, so his wife Gauri Khan turned designer for the house. King Khan, who made a spectacular comeback earlier this year with Pathaan, was interacting with the media during the launch of Gauri Khan's coffee-table book, 'My Life In Design'.
Sharing the interesting story behind their house Mannat and how Gauri Khan entered the world of designing, Shah Rukh said: "When we bought Mannat, it was way beyond our means, and once we were done buying the house, we didn't have money to decorate it. We hired a designer, only to realise we couldn't afford him."
"So, I turned to Gauri, as she had artistic talent, and asked her to be the designer for our house. Mannat started like that, and over time, we earned and kept buying little stuff for the house. We even once went to South Africa to buy leather for the sofas, and I think that training ground got her into designing."