Hyderabad: The grand opening of Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre (NMACC) in Mumbai on Friday night witnessed the who's who of Bollywood in attendance. While pictures and videos of superstars Salman Khan and Aamir Khan from the event have surfaced online, Shah Rukh Khan seemingly dodged the paparazzi at the event. Courtesy of celebrity stylist Shaleena Nathani, SRK's look for Friday night surfaced online, and need we say it set the internet on fire?
Shaleena, who also styled SRK for Pathaan, took to Instagram to post the superstar's look for the NMACC event. The 57-year-old actor looked absolutely dapper in the black suit which he teamed up with a plunging v-neck t-shirt. The outfit adorned by SRK is custom-made for him by Masculine. The superstar accessorised his look with a golden chain and a black stone-studded pendant.