Hyderabad: The makers of Pathaan are all set to drop the first song Besharam Rang from the film on December 12. The track is set to present Deepika Padukone in her hottest best and showcase breath-taking chemistry between her and Shah Rukh Khan. After sharing the first glimpse from the song, SRK on Saturday treated fans with another stunning look of Deepika from the song.
Taking to Instagram, SRK on Saturday shared yet another look of Deepika wherein she is seen donning a halter neck yellow bikini. Sharing the image SRK wrote, "Mirror mirror on the wall, she’s the most glamorous of them all! #BesharamRang song dropping on 12th Dec at 11 AM."
SRK and Deepika are one of the biggest on-screen pairings in the history of Indian cinema given their epic blockbusters Om Shanti Om, Chennai Express and Happy New Year. The two sizzled in Spain as leaked photos from the sets of Besharam Rang took the internet by storm.