Mumbai: Superstar Shah Rukh Khan gave his fans the best Eidi on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr by greeting them from the balcony of his bungalow, Mannat. Several viral pictures and videos feature the superstar waving to his fans who flocked to his sprawling residence in Mumbai on Saturday on the occasion of Eid 2023.
King Khan obliged his fans with greetings on Eid 2023 as a sea of his admirers waited for hours standing outside his home in the scorching summer heat. The videos and pictures show fans going berserk and cheering at the sight of the superstar. The Pathaan star wore a simple white t-shirt with a pair of black denim. He added cool shades and a beaded necklace to his Eid look.
Fans and the paparazzi were seen clicking pictures of the superstar who was also seen blowing flying kisses and acing his signature pose. Seemingly expressing gratitude for the unconditional love that his fans shower on him, the superstar also bowed down to his admirers before he went inside.