Hyderabad:Pawan Kalyan's OG went into production in April. While the cast and crew are currently in Hyderabad for the film's third schedule, the producers have dropped a latest update on the movie's cast. Taking to Instagram DVV entertainment's official handle shared that Tamil actress Sriya Reddy has been cast in a key role.
The production banner DVV dropped a poster of actor Sriya Reddy on Instagram. After releasing the poster, the makers wrote: "Welcome onboard, @sriya_reddy! Your participation in #OG will be both surprising and exciting. #FireStormIsOnTheWay #TheyCallHimOG." Thaman S has composed the soundtrack for the film, and Ravi K Chandran is behind the lens overlooking cinematography.
Even though she has only appeared in a few films, Sriya Reddy has made a lasting impression with her choice of roles and how she has played them. The actor will now be seen in Sujeeth Reddy's OG of Saaho fame. "I am not in the film industry for fame or money," she remarked on her acting career. "I'm here for the pure joy of acting. I have a fire inside of me that loves to perform in front of the camera, so I'm looking for a job that will compliment that," she added.