Hyderabad: Bollywood actors Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal have been hitting the headlines for their alleged relationship. The couple have reportedly been dating for quite a while now. Photos and videos of them together on social media have generated dating rumours despite the fact that neither of the two has acknowledged or confirmed their relationship. On Sunday night, the two rumoured lovebirds were spotted together after enjoying a romantic dinner date in Mumbai.
In a video posted by a paparazzo account on Instagram, Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal could be seen posing for the paparazzi after enjoying a lovely dinner date together. The video shows the Dabangg actor smiling and interacting with the paparazzi before getting inside the car. For the outing, Sonakshi opted for a black tank top and blue jeans and paired them with a long black shrug. She had her hair tied in a ponytail. Zaheer, on the other hand, sported a check shirt that he paired with blue denim and white sneakers.