Bengaluru: Renowned veteran Kannada film director SK Bhagawan passed away this morning. He was 89 and the cause of death is suspected to be an age-related illness. More details are awaited in this regard. A while ago Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai took to Twitter to confirm the news and express grief over the demise.
He wrote a special message for the late director in Kannada which translates to - "Renowned director of Kannada film industry Shri S. K. I was very saddened to hear the news of Bhagavan's death. I pray for his soul. I pray that God gives strength to his family to bear this pain."
He continued, "Dorai-Bhagavan duo has given many tasteful films to Kannada cinema. Dr and his friend Dorai Raj directed 55 films including 'Kasthuri Niwas', 'Eradu Soyam', 'Bayalu Dari', 'Giri Kanye', 'Hosa Lekuk' starring Rajkumar. Om Shantih."
Playback singer-music producer Aniruddha Sastry tweeted, "The legend lives on!"