Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Sidharth Malhotra on Monday completed the shooting schedule for his next thriller movie Yodha. Sidharth was seen sporting a black hoodie and matching track pants at the Delhi airport. When a paparazzi started interacting with him, the actor kindly responded to some of the questions till he entered the gates.
A post on Instagram speculated that the actor was angry with the media, however, his followers came to his rescue. Sidharth can be seen sprinting through the airport gates in a clip posted by the disputed Instagram account. "Press conference thodi chal raha hai," Sidharth retorted as the paparazzi questioned him about his opinions on Naatu Naatu and The Elephant Whisperers big win at the Oscars 2023.
Sidharth received considerable criticism for this specific video. Some thought Sidharth might have simply stated, "Congratulations to the team," while others thought he was being impolite. Soon his supporters defended him and attacked the Instagram account for misrepresenting the viewers by posting just a specific part of the video.