Mumbai: Newlyweds Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani may have tied the knot in an intimate ceremony in Jaisalmer, but they have made sure to invite the members from the film fraternity at their upcoming post-wedding function in Mumbai. The couple who headed to the groom's residence in Delhi after their lavish wedding at Suryagarh Palace, will throw a grand reception for their "filmy family".
Sidharth and Kiara will travel to Mumbai on Saturday for the second reception that would see the presence of Bollywood celebrities. The couple hosted their first reception for the groom's family at The Leela Palace, Delhi on February 9. The duo's second reception is set to take place at Mumbai's St. Regis Hotel on February 12. The extravagant post-wedding function will kick off from 8:30 pm onwards.
Interestingly, the invitation card of the function has been leaked online. A webloid has shared Sid-Kiara's Mumbai reception invite on their social media handle which in then went viral on all social networking sites. The card features Sidharth and Kiara's smiling picture from their wedding. It mentions the details such as date, time and venue.